Toyota Woven City | Top Page

Woven Cityの完成イメージ(鳥瞰図)

Toyota Woven City will be a place for co-creation, for inventors and residents who share our value and passion to invent something new "for others".

Toyota aspires to transform itself from an automobile company into a “Mobility” company. The goal is to expand the meaning of “movement” which has been to move people from point A to point B, such as by automobiles, to being able to also "move the heart" through free, efficient, practical, and enjoyable mobility of people, goods, information and energy.

Woven City features roads, plazas, stores, offices, and residences – resembling a real-life city where inventors and residents can co-create new ideas, products, and services. The various support provided by Woven City will accelerate the development of technology and service innovations that will redefine the future of mobility and lead to wellbeing for all.

Our Purpose

Well-being for all

Our Vision

Expand mobility
Enhance humanity
Engage society

Our Mission

Building the Future Fabric of Life in a City as a Test Course for Mobility
Completed image of Woven City (cityscape)

Why are we building Woven City?

What kind of ”mobility” are we aiming for? What are the Purpose, Vision, and Mission of Woven City? Daisuke Toyoda, Head of Woven City Management shares his thoughts on why we are taking on this ambitious project and welcomes you to help us create the future fabric of life together.

People of Woven City

Woven City is a place where diverse residents who share the same passion of weaving a brighter future through mobility, can come together to contribute to creating a future of well-being for all. We are all focused on designing real-world solutions to common daily challenges through ongoing collaboration and real-time feedback.


Inventors create technologies and services that can expand the possibilities of mobility.

For example:
  • Toyota Group developers
  • Partner companies
  • Startups/entrepreneurs
  • Independent developers


Residents are welcome to actively test out and enjoy the new services and technologies that the inventors are creating, and be an essential part of the co-creation through real-time feedback and engagement.

There are no openings for having new residents at this point.
However, we will be able to announce on our website and other media as soon as we are ready to receive residents.


The new services and technologies will also be open for visitors to Woven City, and can be enjoyed along with the experience to be part of the co-creation.

Woven City is not open right now. We will announce it on our website and other media as soon as we are ready to receive visitors.

About Woven City

Woven City is a place for co-creation. The city brings together Toyota's expertise in hardware and software craftsmanship and kaizen to help stimulate innovation, while providing a unique environment to facilitate co-creation among inventors, residents and visitors to significantly accelerate the pace of invention and development.

Woven Test Course

An environment resembling a real-life city where people who share a common desire to make a positive difference in the world, live together to co-create new ideas.

Woven Inventor Garage

A support network that provides an environment that nurtures invention and accelerates development.

Woven City Profile

A city to co-create and test products and services that expand the possibilities of mobility built on a former manufacturing site that used to accommodate the Toyota Motor East Japan, Higashi-Fuji plant. Construction on Phase 1 is scheduled for completion in 2024 with a soft launch expected in 2025.


Susono City, Shizuoka Prefecture


The first area in Woven City where trials will begin.

  • Schedule: Construction of the first area is to be completed by the end of 2024, with a soft launch expected in 2025
  • Residents: Starting from employees to gradually expand to approximately 360 people
  • Area: approx. 50,000 m2

Future Plans

  • Schedule: No schedule after Phase 1 has been set at this time
  • Residents: approx. 2,000
  • Area: approx. 708,000 m2 / 175 acres


Woven City Concept Video

“For others”This core philosophy has remained unchanged since Toyota’s founding, and is the starting point for Toyota's transformation into a mobility company.Then, what is Woven City and why are we building Woven City as a mechanism for well-being?

Voices of Woven City

Construction of Phase 1 is underway at Woven City. We have compiled the voices of our colleagues at the construction site, who are thinking and working “for others.”
Please listen to their voices while taking a look at the progress of Phase 1.

Voices of Woven City 2023 Autumn

Voices of Woven City 2023 Winter

Akio’s Message

This is a message from Akio Toyoda, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Toyota Motor Corporation, about his thoughts and beliefs for the development of Woven City.


Woven City Leaflet

Please check out this leaflet introducing Woven City.

Woven City Press

Please check out our leaflet introducing Woven City’s expectations, activities, and initiatives.


We would like to invite all of you who are passionate about expanding mobility for a brighter future to join us on this exciting journey at Woven City. Contact us if you’re interested in co-creating in this one-of-a-kind environment.